A Conscious Therapist is someone who is dedicated to live from the heart space and to help others do the same. Living in your heart, the same space which is occupied by love, you will feel that the tools of well-being you use with yourself or others will be more powerful.
Conscious Therapist is not trained to help heal others only through the mind. A conscious therapist is someone who lives in their heart and uses their mind to understand and give solution to the occurrence of life. The mind is only a support tool.
A conscious therapist is someone who helps to heal others realizing that at first, this meeting is an opportunity for their own healing.
A conscious therapist is someone who has as a priority: Be happy in this life.
Knowing to see their own shadow and shedding light, then looking with the eyes of love, a conscious therapist can help you to make a giant leap to the next level in how to help yourself to heal or prevent diseases or discomfort.