Do what you love, and love what you do. Discover your purpose and lead from the Heart through individual Leadership & Self-discovery sessions. These sessions are about finding lasting motivation and fulfillment.
Why do you get out of bed in the morning? Because I must for …… money, boss, children, someone else, or because I love…. My life. The reason you get out of bed in the morning defines your life and shifting from I must to I love can be one of the most powerful transformations you could make for yourself.
When we chose something we love, or we chose to love what we chose, we are intrinsically motivated. In essence we are acting forth out of love and creating, instead of watching our life go by. It is for this exact reason why our work is so important. It has nothing to do with status or money or even accomplishment. It has everything to do with fulfillment. Finding fulfillment in ones life is one of the most rewarding things, as no exterior factor can touch this. It is a gift you experience from the inside that shines such gratitude and enthusiasm, that it becomes apparent to everyone around you and can even become contagious. In fact there are many, many theories how this is the exact ingredient to success. It’s a win-win situation.